What is Death or Dishonor in HOI4?

Death or Dishonor is one of the first DLCs which comes to HOI4. The date of publishing was 14.06.2017 and since its start, it had 1,146 “mixed” reviews on Steam. Personally, this DLC is one of the mine favorites because this DLC expands content about Central Europe where is Czechoslovakia which I play when I want some challenge.

Let’s look at more details of this HOI4 DLC.

As every time when I write about some DLC, we must start with the trailer…

… it is motivational for us players to buy. I like the “voice” which urges me to buy this DLC. But I must agree with the voice actor. Central Europe is funny because there are Axis on the west or Communism on the east and from start, you must play on 100% if you want to win.

What features came to the game when you buy DoD in HOI4?

There are new focus trees which that react to possible events and give a lot of room for experimentation and alternative history. What if Czechoslovakia had not given up the Sudetenland? That’s an interesting question to answer…

… but back to features in Death or Dishonor there are new 4 focus trees for:

  • Czechoslovakia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Yugoslavia

There was added new game feature where you could convert your old equipment or your captured equipment to a new arsenal that will have better stats. Because no one wants to fight with Germany with old weapons.

This DLC added to the game a new diplomatic feature which is licensing military technology. You could license your equipment to other countries or you could apply for a license from another country. According to the developers, the licensed units are not as good as the ones you try yourself (it takes longer to create them) but it can be a good boost if you don’t have the research.

And there is added new puppet system for Germany. This is called Reichskommissariat and this puppet system is available for Fascist puppets with access to licenses, industry, and strategic resources. The instated governments are held in an iron grip, making it harder for them to break free.

And the last update was 3 new thematic music tracks. But you could listen to them on Spotify without buying this DLC.

Is Death or Dishonor worth buying?

For me is one big yes. Because it added focus trees in countries which I play and the new diplomatic systems are usable for me when I play Germany. The current price is $9,99 if it’s a lot for you so wait for discounts, but in my opinion, this DLC is worth it.

I'm Martin, the main creator of this site. I love city builders, transport, and war strategy games. So I create this site to share my love with others! Let's make Tycoon games great again!