Kingdom of Hungary country tag – HOI4

Country tag for Kingdom of Hungary is:
If you want play for Kingdom of Hungary HOI4 you could use tag command:
tag HUN
To annex Kingdom of Hungary in HOI4 you could use annex command:
annex HUN
To delete all Kingdom of Hungary units you could use deleteallunits command:
deleteallunits HUN
All country tags HOI4 On StrateGGames you could also find all country tags from HOI4. This list will helps you with cheating in Hearts of Iron IV. To add interests on Kingdom of Hungary you could use add_interest command:
add_interest HUN
To remove interests on Kingdom of Hungary you could use remove_interest command:
remove_interest HUN
To start occupation on Kingdom of Hungary you could use occupationpaint command:
occupationpaint HUN
All cheats for HOI4 Cheat like a pro with all console commands for HOI4. On our list you will find all important cheats which you will love.
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