Where is HOI4 banned/censored?

Despite the non-100% accuracy the game experiences difficulties at some places around the world, to be more concrete in the People’s Republic of China and Germany. Even if this is “just a game”, it is still about the Second World War, a serious and real conflict that marked people’s lives.

Because of that, some symbols or even historical figures can be understood as improper or undesirable these days: SS skulls on generals’ hats, SS generals’ faces and bodies, Hitler’s face, etc. In short, countries have a certain idea of what is right to show and what is not.

Why is HOI4 banned in China?

This is because of the game’s depiction of Taiwan under Japanese control and Tibet, Sinkiang, and Manchuria as independent nations. Here the historical accuracy falls behind reality. In fact, Manchuria was a Japanese puppet state and Taiwan was under Japanese control for most of the game’s period. The game was also banned due to difficulties with local law.

Why is HOI4 censored in Germany?

In Germany, it is banned mainly because of the censorship of Nazi symbols and laws around them. Except them, Hitler’s face/body is darkened out just like the Nazi officials/generals’ faces and bodies. Moreover, there is no SS skull on the SS generals hats. This censorship is a subject to the so-called German language setting. The game is uncensored on Steam or there can be found some mods.

If you are a beginner who is just getting to grips with the game, try the other Hearts of Iron 4 articles on our website: Is the HOI4 hard?, Why is HOI4 so popular?, Is HOI4 accurate?, Is HOI4 free?, Where to play HOI4? and many others!

I’m Teresa, one of the content creators and a translator. My favourites are art, literature and video games. My goal is to bring some freshness and sensitivity to the articles.